Santhosh Kumar Ramakrishnan

PostDoc at Apple


I completed my Ph.D. at the Department of Computer Science at UT Austin, advised by Dr. Kristen Grauman. My research interests lie at the intersection of computer vision and reinforcement learning. My primary research has focused on learning intelligent behaviors for embodied robotic agents and AR assistants. More broadly, I am also interested in leveraging self-supervision for learning useful representations, both in the context of image representations and higher-level representations of 3D spaces, and learning useful priors from human behavior for enhancing embodied agents. I am currently working as a PostDoc with Dr. Vladlen Koltun at Apple Inc. I am on the job market for full-time research scientist roles.

Before joining UT Austin in 2017, I completed my integrated B.Tech and M.Tech in Electrical Engineering at IIT Madras. I was jointly advised by Dr. Anurag Mittal and Dr. Gaurav Sharma for my M.Tech thesis.


Apr 6, 2023 SpotEM is accepted to ICML 2023!
Apr 6, 2023 I have been selected for the CVPR 2023 Doctoral Consortium (13% acceptance).
Mar 23, 2023 NaQ and HM3DSem are accepted to CVPR 2023!
Dec 12, 2022 HM3D-Semantics v0.2 dataset is now publicly available.
Mar 1, 2022 PONI, ZSEL, and Ego4D are accepted to CVPR 2022.